Friday, December 26, 2008


The amount we will spend on our remodel IF we can now stay on budget...
NOW how's that!!! I suppose I should also clarify. our projected budget was 250k.
using the contractor we were looking at 285k.
feels good to be back on track...

This would include a driveway... doors & hardware :) ... and drum roll please... some sort of flooring in the master bedroom... It will also include exterior paint... and the paint for but not the labor... for the interior...

we'll take it room by room for a year or so... :) and use no VOC paints...
at least that's the thought....

and BIG progress! windows & doors

Monday, December 22, 2008


We let our contractor/ gm go today...

the budget JUST doesn't allow for the quality that we want AND to pay someone 30% to manage the project... 

so... here we go... o my... it WILL be a busy busy month for me... 

hopefully we can finish the project within two months... 

pray for me... if you think about it... for peace and wisdom... lots of both please... :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Week 20: 12/15

our old roof came off... and was papered... 
which is suppose to make it "Water tight" ... 
I am skeptical to say the least...

Picked a Roof.  
Highlander CS

These are shingle samples... so we could decide which color we wanted... 
I honestly can't remember which we chose.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 19: 12/8 & 9

what I bring to the job site... never be without wheat thins OR water... 
and do remember your tennis shoes instead of flip flops
our kitchen island all mapped out on the raw floor
the electrical starts to take shape
tim's future office is a storage space for MANY odds and ends 

water damage. bah. the room had to be gutted of plaster and moldings.
view from the back of the yard
aaaa trash
from the back porch

framing for the wall between the kitchen and kids bath

bye bye plaster... entrance to tim's office

a little humor provided by the best framers ever!!!
Curt Wygand Construction. LOVE THEM.

Monday, December 8, 2008

almost a month

since the last post... there IS much to show...

but I'm going to do it in order... so for the next few days... check out the "older" posts... 

I'm hoping to make this blog a little table book when we're all done with the project... 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Week 18: 12/4

framing. continued.

more walls gutted. and our dining room... looking lovely with tub & tools...

back to front view (laundry room through to dining)