Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 24: Coordinating... BAH!

This week we have...

Reed Thomas coming to do finish work... O my... I am grateful for him... He will probably be working the next few weeks... on  and off...
Danny Moore will start installing the cabinets... TOMORROW... that's good... he'll be here ALL week...this is MAJOR... because basically nothing can happen until after the cabinets are in... 
Jose... will come and paint... I am VERY curious to see... how this sub works... he was... the cheapest for interior paint... it was the cheapest or us painting for the next year... by ourselves... this seemed like a better idea... If he does a horrible job...  we'll have paint on the walls... and it will  take less effort to repaint... b/c the drywall will be covered... 
Rafee will come to tile the walls... of our shower... the Hot Mop guy will be coming around noon... 
and Gus will most likely... come and start the flooring... 

I am not exactly sure... how all these people will work together... in the same house... but ... 
Individually they seem like great people... soo hopefully... they can work things out... 

Other items to address... 
getting the dumpster filled... & picked up
call electrician to talk finish work
call plumbers " "
call HVAC " "
figure out paint color(s)...
start figuring out Cai's bedroom decor 

have I mentioned we're hoping to move in valentines weekend?
I think I will start aiming for the following week... but... it never hurts to aim high right?

Week 23: More Progress

Tim put ALL this crap AND MORE in a dumpster... ALL BY HIMSELF! 

our pretty home... new roof... first coat of paint... i love the brown paint...and light trim... it will be sooo lovely... with a green lawn... :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 23: Expectations.

This week we HOPE to... 

find someone to help with site clean up... our front and back yards... look much like... a dump... Nu-Way Roll offs & Tim & friends :)
finish drywall mudding
have floors delivered... and possibly begin installation
have cabinets delivered... and installed
put hardware on new doors (um...  I can't find one doors hardware...  :( )
figure out what we're going to do for a driveway AND start dreaming (no. we don't have an ounce of money for it... but it NEVER hurts to create a plan) about the backyard...
pick interior paint colors (beige for MOST of house... maybe some color for the bathrooms & continue getting bids
pick moldings (BAH... I probably should of done this last week...)

BOLD items are in process or completed... hooray.

Week 22: insulation, drywall & exterior paint prep

It's been a BIG week!

We passed our inspection Monday.
Got insulation & started paint prep Tuesday
Drywall & paint samples Wednesday-Friday.
Another inspection passed (drywall nailing) Friday afternoon.

Other odds & ends.
We picked house colors. Dunne Edwards, Hickory, Swiss Coffee & Cocoa.
Talked about wiring for sound throughout the house... and started that process with a dear friend... 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The roof!

AND LOOK a ceiling to the back porch... where I will live... because it's soo pretty back there... 

& other silliness... 

AND a garage door ordered... $600 less than costco or sears. very impressive.

insulation starts and finishes today.
drywall starts tomorrow.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It seems impossible...

I do believe.
we're about 
ONE MONTH out...  (5 weeks)

from moving back home...

we probably won't have interior paint yet... but we'll have appliances and floors... and bathrooms... 

who needs more than that?!?!

not me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

bad. bad. bad. news...

So... there is, what looks like, a long list (15-20) of things I need to take care of before we can pass our rough inspections (which happened on 12/29)...  Which felt really doable... except for one issue... the windows we're missing their energy star ratings... I had NO WAY... of knowing what those ratings were for each window... soo I called the window guy to assist... 

Today,Wednesday the 7th of JANUARY, I followed up for the third time... two times previously I left messages... today I talked with Steve. And it was bad. bad. bad. news.

He ordered the WRONG windows. He ordered clear glass instead of low E, which is what you need in Pasadena... So. Now. We will probably be set back at least 3 weeks for replacement windows... which means... we can't move forward until then... 

I am PRAYING, that by some miracle of God the City of Pasadena will allow us to move forward with the remaining inspection items... which are expected to take about 2 1/2 weeks...  and then... wrap us up with our final inspection WITH THE CORRECT WINDOWS...  AND hopefully move in right around the 14th of FEBRUARY!!! I could NOT think of a better gift... :)

If not. We'll deal. and move in mid march. bah.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Week 21: 1/6

caiah being unbelievably cute on the job site

I met with one painter, one insulating/gutter guy... who looked similar to Tim... but wore hudson jeans (people. they cost $200 a pop)... and fancy sunglasses... Caiah was convinced it was his daddy... :)

I also talked with Martin our dry wall bidder. HOORAY for Martin... who came in UNDER budget... at $8900. I was really afraid that number was going to be WAAAAAY off... given the amount walls we ended up opening up... It will take him 7-10 days to finish the job.

Tim helped coordinate getting our wiring finished... telephone & cable... hooray... all done...took him 2-3 hours and $320.

I also called to confirm with roofer that he would be starting tomorrow... in return he informed me that he was always planning on starting on thursday. bah.

Would you believe I have four or five more calls that I didn't get to today... 
window guy. ac guy. dave r. mark the electrician. inspector steve.
I just keep reminding myself to breath... and try not to die over personal deadlines missed... 

Monday, January 5, 2009

Week 21: 1/5

It is looking really good...

and the vents are in! HOORAY... a few finishing touches before things are all done... 
it looks soo lovely.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Week 21: 1/2

Had to pick new tile... cause what we picked before was backordered... BAH!

and then... the new tile was unavailable... double bah... 

so kirsten is going to pick something nice for me... so I don't have to think about it... 

the color for kids bath is white matte. should be darling.

Carpet for three bedrooms (RUEFUL RATTAN)... we're hoping we'll have enough to put hardwood in the master b/c of the indoor-outdoor factor... it will probably stay concrete in all honesty for a while... till we're SURE we have the cash...