Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 30-34: Unpacking & finishing touches... kinda

I hate unpacking. I didn't realize just how much I dread it.
In life... I am a GREAT decision maker... well at least I think I am... :)
However there is nothing quite like having a million... little... seemingly unimportant... decision to make... to foul me up... there are no principles to default to... bah!

But slowly we've made progress...

The cork board/magnetic chalk board still needs the trim painted out... but I'm REALLY happy with the functionality of it... AS IS CAIAH and the way it finishes off the wall and transitions to the hall way...

we had custom shelves and corbels made (out of poplar) based on a kitchen magazine I saw... and fell in love with... Tim agreed... The custom shelves, in the end, were still much CHEAPER than ordering cupboards... and I personally LOVE the look in my house... better photos will come later...

We reused our target hardware ($10 for two, came in dark brown)... then spray painted them blk this time... thanks to Tim!
AND I added our old ikea poles (they come in black)... I needed a few extras soo... I went back to ikea AND instead of $4 a pole (already inexpensive)... I found them for $1 EACH!!! DIVINE!

one of my favorite finds... a light fixture from OSH that was $89!!!

our poor sink cabinet... will be without doors for awhile... It needing some adjustment to fit our farmsink... I need to call and have them reordered... but really it's the last thing on my list...

I want to find some way to display these linens...I have 1/2 aprons... napkins... also pillow cases ... but those will go elsewhere... they are from my great grand mother brought over from Italy... well most are... the others are cost plus :)

laundry "room" the catch all place in the house... :)

our master bath NEEDS art... more towels... but both will have to wait...

our master bedroom is a disaster... clearly it needs some tlc and a little more vision... I love the raw space... I'm waiting for it to speak to me... but the paper curtains keep interrupting...

we have a lot of clothes... most of which are sizes we dont wear right now... still trying to figure out what to and how to store clothes in this house...

this hallway landing will probably be my OTHER catch all for months to come... o it could be pretty... I know... :)

Caiah's closet is coming along... it still needs another coat of paint... but... it will wait...

old curtains: we have decided not to reuse them... many reason... but I kinda like having the window seats bare... Tim... isn't quite as excited about the idea... so we decided to wait... for now... I'm thinking maybe some sort of textured blinds...

... and MORE boxes to unpack!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 29: Moving in

The POD was FULL... AND my husband... He's the master packer!!!

No really he IS!

Not one single thing was broken or damaged... not even in the boxes...

Getting a POD was one of the BEST uses for our money in this project!!!
seriously. it took 6 people right around an hour to unpack and most of that time was spent with pregnant me trying to figure out where I wanted boxes... :)

We had a wonderful WONDERFUL crew of people who came and helped... on that saturday... and a few that helped tremendously on other days... I am so grateful for my friends AND family...

5 months pregnant me... laughing at steve... being steve...
an empty pantry is intimidating... where to put what?

the office is our catch all room the living room... just is

Caiah's room was set up first... it seemed like the MOST important part of a smooth transition for him...

Although... he HATED the scratchy sheets... there was NO leniency for them being CARS sheets... So we've now bought jersey cotton sheets in Caiah's requested green color... I'll show that later... :)

guest room closet... we're gonna keep it door less for a few more month till we decide how we want to use it... more on that later...