Wednesday, June 2, 2010

how I'd loove a props room(s)

Thank you Martha for the inspiration!

Monday, March 1, 2010

the backyard is getting some love...

just a little...

a play structure. with 26 steps.
we're on step 6... maybe...


a NEW garden...

Monday, January 11, 2010

the nursery - guest room

I am soo HAPPY with how this room is turning out...
seems like there are endless adjustments I'd like to make... starting with some sort of smallish circle rug...
curtains and a light for the closet... and maybe a bright aqua coat of paint... or some textured wall paper...
I'd like to find a small ornate wall shelf and small floor shelf... of some sort... to paint (or course!) for books...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

progress on the nursery... much progress...

kitchen curtain.

NEVERMIND that my sink is piled high with dishes...
Ive been plotting and planning my execution of curtain making all day!!!

I'd about what I want in the kitchen window above the sink for a LOOONG while now...
I was feeling indecisive... and she, when it comes to home decor... has a great deal of decisiveness...
I called my friend J... to see if she had any ideas... or thoughts...
I explained what I was thinking... about making...

some sort of cafe curtains... panels or haphazardly pleated...

AND She suggested I check out... Making it Lovely!

*taken from

Tonight after a few road blocks... my sewing machine wouldn't work... and a broken needle with my mother in laws machine... I finished sewing and hung the kitchen curtain...

Tomorrow I will find a nice ribbon to help tie it up...

Here's the finished result!!!