Friday, August 29, 2008

today is friday.

I emailed designer... and haven't heard anything back... I'm guessing he's got nothing to tell me...

no permits.

Monday, August 25, 2008

no permits.

seriously. lame.

christian boehr & les shultz met with our city planner ... and still have one outstanding issue... baaaaaaaah!

christian hopes things will get cleared by wednesday... but again... no one is holding their breathes...

more productively speaking...
met with two interior decorators today... I can not afford one, even at her very very generous pastors rate... the other I can also probably not afford... but she's giving us the friends and family deal of only ... almost all our budget... no... we'll be able to buy tile and counter tops... and not plywood... only... :) sweet aye?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

tomorrow 3pm. is the scheduled mtg with Mehran... and designer...

here are the new idea floor plans... with Caiah's coloring additions...


our thoughts... after reviewing our contractors new idea...

Friday, August 22, 2008


as we were headed out of town... we got word that ... the meeting which should have ended with us getting our building permits in our contractors little hands... was cancelled by the building permit god at the city...

it's been rescheduled for monday...

let's vote.

who want's to wager we WILL get them Monday?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

well folks...

we're hoping we'll have permits wednesday.

so for now... I'll start sharing our ideas... for what will be... room by room ...

and the current and future floor plans...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 7

Nothing notable.

I brought a dozen donuts... 3 coffee's ... and 6 waters... to the "crew" ...

Turns out there was ONE guy there... not sure what he was doing...

We're still waiting on building permits... hopefully today...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 6

More demo.

Check this out.

And a little ditch work.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 4

 one kitchen floor demo'd
one laundry room floor demo'd

kitchen... cabinets... 1/2 bath completely demo'd
hall way shelf demo'd

lawn watered... 

we had some random mail in our mailbox... someone didn't get the memo... 

Monday, August 11, 2008

3 times on day 3

yes. I'm stalking my house... 

the question was asked how often I visit?
At least once on weekdays... 

I'm thinking if I keep my worker bee's and contractor on their toes...  with the weekly surprise of a nice treat of some sort... and daily visits at random times... we'll have a greater respect for eachother... and get more done... 

it's a theory... 

today I brought water... although it should be noted... that the Ralphs on n. lake does NOT have cold water... next time we'll check out Vons... 

yes. I stalk my house.

Day 3

Talked with both the foreman and contractor... clarifying what we'd like to keep safe... toilet and sink from 1/2 bath... sink hardware from other bathroom ...  we talked about the floors... and meeting with a interior decorator to talk through style and ideas... to make sure we don't mess things up... we have a good idea of materials we want to use... and the color palette... but I think we're struggling to put a name to what we're wanting the house to feel and look like.... a modern craftsman? ... clean lines... with some simple charm... w a dash of detail work... 

O and I think I've come to the (same) conclusion... Tim came to about 3 months ago...  I'm ready for the woodwork to go WHITE....

Now for the day's photo update... 

(no our house isn't falling over... it's my iphone paying games with me... )

Can you tell what's happened?
Our entire foundation for the master is GONE.  And the piece that will connect the basement to the inside... is... chipped away... perfect!

Tomorrow... they go inside... 

Side note: 
As I took this photo... I heard police sirens... a really really low helicopter... I ask a friend of our resident gang affiliate what was up... but he didn't feel like talking to the white girl...
as I left... they had closed down el molino... and I saw MORE cops then I've seen in our hood... like 12+ ... at least 4 cars... and a fire truck... 
man... I kinda miss the excitement of livin' in the hood... 
wondering what happened... 

Friday, August 8, 2008

what you can expect here...

1. photo updates on the house

2. a peek into design ideas for each room

3. a peek into landscape ideas for the back yard

4. AND if we get to it... the garage transformation... 

End of Day 2


Day 1 1/2

this is a view from our back cement porch into, what was... our master bedroom... 


quite a lot.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

demo starts


pictures to be posted tomorrow...

but picture the master bedroom... missing... and a GIANT dumpster in our crappy driveway...  and most of the deck... missing...

know the bright blue awning, next door... that I hate... um... I can see it from the opposite side of the yard... 

I'm feeling neutral about my bedroom being gone... never to be the same... 

for some reason I was thinking they'd start with the kitchen/dining room wall for demo work... instead... they tore off the back end of the house... it was a bit MORE dramatic looking then I anticipated... 

I called the contractor and told him they ruined our house... he said they were home wreckers... :)
