Tuesday, October 14, 2008

progress check.

I arrived to 586... with NO ONE on site. Not a good feeling at 10am in the morning... obviously someone had been there recently... in the past day... but not a soul was there this morning... I made a quick call... (guys we're installing a door else where)
took a closer look at the junk pile to see if we'd had anymore valuables tossed in...
yep. basement staircase hand rail... cost us almost $300 if I remember correctly... about 3 yrs ago when we moved in...
called dave back to request the hand rail be salvaged from the wreckage...
I think someone should hire me to manage a job like this... perfectly useable things just get tossed... trashed ... for no good reason... I would of had to pay for that same railing AGAIN... now that just seems stupid to me...

before & after (grass may never grow here again...soo sad)

before & after, some aren't as encouraging as others... :(


Angelica said...

It will all come out as planned!

DeniseMarie said...

Oooh, I didn't realize you were keeping a blog of the house re-do. I L.O.V.E. this sort of thing--live HGTV! I'll start checking in regularly to watch the transformation and live vicariously.

Creative Mama said...

you can help pay the bills too... I won't keep you from that Denise... ;)