Monday, November 3, 2008

Saturday & Monday's work...

my baby is definitely a boy... and this might be the cutest lil mischevious look I've seen on his face... 

the roof line is really beautiful... it's graceful... and just lovely... the perfect pitch... 
here's some ceiling rafters and tarp... 
and a stray stalking another neighborhood cat... 
here's that window near the basement entrance... can you find the black iron railing... 
in the middle of the window?

Micaiah's windows... 
they are HUGE...
but we found out today... that we will need to change the size of the other bedroom windows to his ENORMOUS size 6' x almost 3' ... per window... IF we stick with double hung windows... 
Bah! city of pasadena! Bah!

Our choices are to change them to casement windows... that crank to open and close... OR stick with the original plan with marvin windows ($$$$) or go with Lincoln Wood windows instead ($$) ... 
rafters in Micaiah's room

I told tim tonight we need to buy more clothes QUICKLY... so we can fill our NEW closet at least half way... I am going to love this lil space... with the window... and spaces where we took out the original lil closets... 

Micaiah likes the garage

the roof is just soo beautiful... it's amazing to see the craftsmanship... 

o my rafters! 
seriously. we could fit everything we own in our garage attic.
I'm really happy we decided to go with the 9foot ceiling in there... AND the 4ft gap between attic sides... 

Tim loves the garage


Susie said...

Wow everything! Is Micaiah 10 already? because that face and his long lanky body look so much older than a month and a half ago!
the house does look great. it's so far along

*jj said...

yay yay yay!!!! I know it probably seems like it's lagging in real life, but from here it seems like things are coming together so fast. I can't wait to see the next phase!