Wednesday, January 7, 2009

bad. bad. bad. news...

So... there is, what looks like, a long list (15-20) of things I need to take care of before we can pass our rough inspections (which happened on 12/29)...  Which felt really doable... except for one issue... the windows we're missing their energy star ratings... I had NO WAY... of knowing what those ratings were for each window... soo I called the window guy to assist... 

Today,Wednesday the 7th of JANUARY, I followed up for the third time... two times previously I left messages... today I talked with Steve. And it was bad. bad. bad. news.

He ordered the WRONG windows. He ordered clear glass instead of low E, which is what you need in Pasadena... So. Now. We will probably be set back at least 3 weeks for replacement windows... which means... we can't move forward until then... 

I am PRAYING, that by some miracle of God the City of Pasadena will allow us to move forward with the remaining inspection items... which are expected to take about 2 1/2 weeks...  and then... wrap us up with our final inspection WITH THE CORRECT WINDOWS...  AND hopefully move in right around the 14th of FEBRUARY!!! I could NOT think of a better gift... :)

If not. We'll deal. and move in mid march. bah.

1 comment:

Molly W. said...

SHOOT!! Sorry friend. boo.