Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Week 21: 1/6

caiah being unbelievably cute on the job site

I met with one painter, one insulating/gutter guy... who looked similar to Tim... but wore hudson jeans (people. they cost $200 a pop)... and fancy sunglasses... Caiah was convinced it was his daddy... :)

I also talked with Martin our dry wall bidder. HOORAY for Martin... who came in UNDER budget... at $8900. I was really afraid that number was going to be WAAAAAY off... given the amount walls we ended up opening up... It will take him 7-10 days to finish the job.

Tim helped coordinate getting our wiring finished... telephone & cable... hooray... all done...took him 2-3 hours and $320.

I also called to confirm with roofer that he would be starting tomorrow... in return he informed me that he was always planning on starting on thursday. bah.

Would you believe I have four or five more calls that I didn't get to today... 
window guy. ac guy. dave r. mark the electrician. inspector steve.
I just keep reminding myself to breath... and try not to die over personal deadlines missed... 

1 comment:

Kellyry said...

This sounds like a complicated nightmare, organizing all these different services. Deep breath, deep breath!

caeights - a special version of the game "Crazy Eights" played only by Californians.