Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 24: Coordinating... BAH!

This week we have...

Reed Thomas coming to do finish work... O my... I am grateful for him... He will probably be working the next few weeks... on  and off...
Danny Moore will start installing the cabinets... TOMORROW... that's good... he'll be here ALL week...this is MAJOR... because basically nothing can happen until after the cabinets are in... 
Jose... will come and paint... I am VERY curious to see... how this sub works... he was... the cheapest for interior paint... it was the cheapest or us painting for the next year... by ourselves... this seemed like a better idea... If he does a horrible job...  we'll have paint on the walls... and it will  take less effort to repaint... b/c the drywall will be covered... 
Rafee will come to tile the walls... of our shower... the Hot Mop guy will be coming around noon... 
and Gus will most likely... come and start the flooring... 

I am not exactly sure... how all these people will work together... in the same house... but ... 
Individually they seem like great people... soo hopefully... they can work things out... 

Other items to address... 
getting the dumpster filled... & picked up
call electrician to talk finish work
call plumbers " "
call HVAC " "
figure out paint color(s)...
start figuring out Cai's bedroom decor 

have I mentioned we're hoping to move in valentines weekend?
I think I will start aiming for the following week... but... it never hurts to aim high right?


Lori said...

I am so impressed with how you're handling everything and bringing it in on such a timely schedule, too. Perhaps you've found a new calling - General Contractor!

One question, though: Who is the Hot Mop guy?

Creative Mama said...

What is the hot mop guy or really who?

I'm not sure of his exact name but I'm sure I could find out... it was through the tiler we're using...