Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 34: drum roll pllllllease!

after MUCH MUCH frustration...

I mean...  MUCH... frustration... 
I talked with the official public works guy, who emailed the appropriate (and most recent) final documentation for our trash disposal...
I collected (twice) the dump receipts (once from our old contractor & once from Nu Way the dump).
Then I tried to complete the official paperwork. But I didn't have the exact information I needed ....

So I called again and ask both parties for their documentation numbers. Clearly stating what date I needed them from... and other specifics...

again. they didn't add up... 

So I kindly asked the NuWay folks to help with the paperwork, as they had offered originally...
AND they were crazy rude... I'll spare you the details... 
I followed up with the former contractor... 
Then a day later got a call from NuWay saying they were sorry and they'd love to fill out my paperwork.

So while I had actually already filled it out... I agreed and waited a day to see what they came up with... 

They were almost 50 TONS off of the real number... goodness...

I faxed my version in... and held my breath... assuming I'd at least have to revisit it...

THEN we received THIS in the mail... less than a week later... 

don't know what it is?
it's the $3,600 deposit we gave public works at the beginning of our project.. 

AND  it was COMPLETELY refunded!!!

Hooray!!! Now we can get a driveway!!!