Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 29: Moving in

The POD was FULL... AND my husband... He's the master packer!!!

No really he IS!

Not one single thing was broken or damaged... not even in the boxes...

Getting a POD was one of the BEST uses for our money in this project!!!
seriously. it took 6 people right around an hour to unpack and most of that time was spent with pregnant me trying to figure out where I wanted boxes... :)

We had a wonderful WONDERFUL crew of people who came and helped... on that saturday... and a few that helped tremendously on other days... I am so grateful for my friends AND family...

5 months pregnant me... laughing at steve... being steve...
an empty pantry is intimidating... where to put what?

the office is our catch all room the living room... just is

Caiah's room was set up first... it seemed like the MOST important part of a smooth transition for him...

Although... he HATED the scratchy sheets... there was NO leniency for them being CARS sheets... So we've now bought jersey cotton sheets in Caiah's requested green color... I'll show that later... :)

guest room closet... we're gonna keep it door less for a few more month till we decide how we want to use it... more on that later...


Kellyry said...

Hurray for being moved in and semi-unpacked!

Molly W. said...

FINALLY! may want to keep that guest room empty and free b/c at this rate, the Winns might be moving in with you!!!