Friday, May 1, 2009


do you see them?
these are our NEW cups!!!

I was looking ALL over online... for something just like these... and then... it occurred to me... as I washed them out for the recycling!!! 

$2 per jar... and it comes with fruit that we LOVE to eat!


Anonymous said...

haha! i bought some to try after you told me about these...I can wash them for you if you want them!

Angelica said...

This is such a great idea! I have a ton of mason jars I've been storing for when we get our house. They'll be hung around our patio and used as lanterns.

Jennifer Lynch said...

Hey, I just ran across this and thought it might be cute in Caiah's room: Sorry - if I know someone's looking for something i can't help but look too. I think you're probably looking for cheaper and not new - which I love. Just thought I'd pass this along. I was just showing off your house to my hubby. Great job! He sighed when he saw the TJ cups. We miss Trader Joe's.