Thursday, August 7, 2008

demo starts


pictures to be posted tomorrow...

but picture the master bedroom... missing... and a GIANT dumpster in our crappy driveway...  and most of the deck... missing...

know the bright blue awning, next door... that I hate... um... I can see it from the opposite side of the yard... 

I'm feeling neutral about my bedroom being gone... never to be the same... 

for some reason I was thinking they'd start with the kitchen/dining room wall for demo work... instead... they tore off the back end of the house... it was a bit MORE dramatic looking then I anticipated... 

I called the contractor and told him they ruined our house... he said they were home wreckers... :)


Molly W. said...

that's funny...home wreckers. heh heh

Kim Thomas said...

Can't wait for the pics. Hope your Pasadena remodeling story ends better than mine.

Lauren said...

Great idea to blog about the renovation. It will be fun to see it all happen!