Tuesday, October 7, 2008



I feel like a genius.

I know I'm not.

when we got our home loan we put it in an ing account... an online savings account...

and in 4 months...

we've made


isn't that amazing?!?!

I'm amazed...

we could buy a nice frig with that... and a dishwasher...


Angelica said...

That's friggin amazing!!! Kuddos for being so financially savy.

I'd love to build a house some day too. Can't wait to see how everyting turns out.

Kellyry said...

Holy Moly! WAY TO GO!! I put my measly savings in an ING account and that yielded about $50. I guess you have to start bigger. :-P

Creative Mama said...

yeah... I did have an unfair advantage... ;) but don't worry I'll be paying for it for the next 30 yrs.

*jj said...

maybe you should be an investment banker