Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More footings progress

while I was away...
we also got the kid bathroom tub & our bath sinks...

then today...
the contractor confessed the footing by our a/c unit off by a few inches... so he'll have to do it over...

more good news though...on the budget front...
lumber was suppose to cost $19,800.00 but because of the crappy economy it was $9,000. soo we have a driveway in our budget now... and wiggle room on the windows that we want... those Mavrin's are beautiful...

other than the headache I had while talking with our contractor... which was totally unrelated to him... it was a good morning...


*jj said...

Holy good fortune! That's quite a savings on the wood... that never happens. So exciting.

Molly W. said...

SWEET on the savings!