Tuesday, October 7, 2008


thursday they put the driveway back together...
filling it back up with dirt... making sure it was nice and compressed...

forms ready to go...

the first round of cement was poured friday morning.
we have basement stairs and footings

then on monday
they took the forms off... and away from the footings...

items I need to address:
getting a new bid for plumbing work (15k)
checking the hardwood floors for water damage (why is there a hose filled with water in my front rooms?)
checking on getting a timeline for construction
setting up pre arranged weekly mtg with contractor
identifying sliding glass back door for master bedroom instead of the fabulous, but ridiculously priced (10k+), nanowall
redesign kids bathroom with existing wall in place
let mind rest...
follow up with window bid
HVAC thermastat... where the hell is it?
Light switches ... where the hell did they go? they were new...dude.

1 comment:

*jj said...

What's a nano wall? Love the updates!