Saturday, November 1, 2008

bad news... good news

last night someone decided to break in our home & garage... the one under construction...
when the framer (the amazing man who deserves a bonus) arrived this morning he found our front and back doors wide open... along with the garage with the lock (the lock which I've had since college) ripped off the door and missing... (tim might be sadder about that lock missing than the whole ordeal of waiting for the cops... and boarding up the house... )

when we got the call this morning... I held my breath... to wait and hear what was missing...
in a project like ours... the budget is fine tuned... I know where I plan to spend money... I know where I want to save... an unexpected hit like this... would be sad... for my ceasar stone countertops... and marvin windows... my two splurges... 

turns out everything is still there... well was... until we moved it to ensure it's safety... cops think the folks were looking for copper piping to steal... weren't able to find any prints... 


pipes are suppose to go in this week... but I think we'll put that off until the windows and real doors are in... to ensure they stay in... 


(back door getting dusted... )

Neighbors: keep an extra eye on our place will you?
We're gonna set up motion lights tomorrow or Monday... 


*jj said...

Holy crap! That's sooo awful. I'm so glad that they didn't vandalize, though, or take anything. What a relief! It's still a gross feeling knowing that there were uninvited people in your home... so sorry!

Creative Mama said...

you just said crap. ;)

Molly W. said...

Ugh, Sar, I'm so sorry!! I'm so glad nothing is missing. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!! Stealing pipes?! Good grief!