Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

progress on the nursery... much progress...

kitchen curtain.

NEVERMIND that my sink is piled high with dishes...
Ive been plotting and planning my execution of curtain making all day!!!

I'd about what I want in the kitchen window above the sink for a LOOONG while now...
I was feeling indecisive... and she, when it comes to home decor... has a great deal of decisiveness...
I called my friend J... to see if she had any ideas... or thoughts...
I explained what I was thinking... about making...

some sort of cafe curtains... panels or haphazardly pleated...

AND She suggested I check out... Making it Lovely!

*taken from makingitlovely.com

Tonight after a few road blocks... my sewing machine wouldn't work... and a broken needle with my mother in laws machine... I finished sewing and hung the kitchen curtain...

Tomorrow I will find a nice ribbon to help tie it up...

Here's the finished result!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I have some updated photos to add THIS WEEK... stay tuned!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


do you see them?
these are our NEW cups!!!

I was looking ALL over online... for something just like these... and then... it occurred to me... as I washed them out for the recycling!!! 

$2 per jar... and it comes with fruit that we LOVE to eat!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Week 36: Nesting ideas...

For our room... 
I'd love a few extra pillows... not TOO many... but a few... various sizes & patterns...

I would LOVE to do something like this in our guestroom/nursery... 
I love the idea of incorporating some sort of wall fabric... 
I'd love to do something like this ... but say... HOPE ... or DREAM instead... 

Perhaps some nursery art for lil MAX!!!

For the kitchen I've been thinking of maybe adding some art to the shelves... 

Other ideas I LOVE!!!

wall papering the inside of a cabinet... super chic & of course a lovely green bench... 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Week 36: Nesting & finishing official business


If you haven't read the other blog... We ran into a few problems with the public works guy... 
after talking with a few very helpful folks... I will take next week to follow the chain of command... 

First I will talk with Larry's boss. If that goes no where... 
I'll talk with the city council person AND if for some reason THAT doesn't get me somewhere... I'll call Steve... the city building inspector AND he will sign off on our project without public works approval... 
and whaLA  we will be all done with this never ending project... 

I'm bummed that I have to play the politics game a bit... but if it will save us $1ooo ... I need to do it... cause our renovation money is ALL GONE... :( 

In other exciting news... 
I have a few more photos for you all... and a few requests for feedback from my creative... organized... or perhaps just opinionated friends...  

The kitchen

Shelves on the right... 
option 1
option 2
option 3
LEFT shelves
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

I NEED feedback ideas suggestions... I'm pretty happy with them over all... functionally they work great... I just want the staging to pop... :)

I have NO CLUE what to do with all these candle things and little glass vases...
They use to fit right in and each had it's own little home in our home... but now... it just feel like... AAAAAAAAAA... why is THAT THERE!????!?!

I've been trying to decide whether we paint out the hooks... to swiss coffee the color of the trim OR refresh the black paint existing... THOUGHTS? 
I'm planning on using this for an apron or two... 
this is the console... upclose in the laundry area... right now it holds a few odd cookbooks, crappy towels for whatever, a junk drawer box that needs sorting, clean basket liners

Paint projects
I want one of these to say EAT YOUR VEGGIES... 
I suspect the washer and dryer will need some sort of shelf directly on top so we don't loose too many things behind it :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week 36: Driveway & entry walk COMPLETE


We finally hired Scapelanders to do our driveway and entry walk... pretty ironic to hire a landscaper to do concrete work... but the price and recommendations were right... :)

I am absolutely AMAZED at the texture of the concrete work... I LOVE it... and I really didn't think I'd EVER hear myself say that... I LOVE OUR CONCRETE... the photos give you a general idea... but I'll have to wait til the lighting is better to capture the texture... it's just lovely... matches our existing old concrete on the house porches BEAUTIFULLY!!!


Friday, April 17, 2009

all sorts of project ideas!!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 35: Driveway continues & nesting begins

Driveway install continues...
the truck came at 6:30am
i was up at 6a... 
Tim & Caiah woke up for it too... 
he kept asking funny questions about the boots laying around the yard while the guys made sure everything was how they wanted it... 

they did every other section... which worked out great... 

also... i've been nesting

1/2 bath still needs:
toilet paper holder & towel bar 
a shelf of some sort

living room still needs:
the photo wall updated, odds and ends on shelf sorted, window seat toy box filled... top of entertainment center staged... pillows recovered... 

laundry room area still needs:
shelf under window
linens sorted
some sort of cover for washer and dryer station... 
console sorted
another garbage can for recycling

Dining room still needs:
window seat cleared out

scheduling our final public works inspection for 4/21 
final city inspection, hoping for 4/23 next thursday...