Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 35: Driveway continues & nesting begins

Driveway install continues...
the truck came at 6:30am
i was up at 6a... 
Tim & Caiah woke up for it too... 
he kept asking funny questions about the boots laying around the yard while the guys made sure everything was how they wanted it... 

they did every other section... which worked out great... 

also... i've been nesting

1/2 bath still needs:
toilet paper holder & towel bar 
a shelf of some sort

living room still needs:
the photo wall updated, odds and ends on shelf sorted, window seat toy box filled... top of entertainment center staged... pillows recovered... 

laundry room area still needs:
shelf under window
linens sorted
some sort of cover for washer and dryer station... 
console sorted
another garbage can for recycling

Dining room still needs:
window seat cleared out

scheduling our final public works inspection for 4/21 
final city inspection, hoping for 4/23 next thursday...

1 comment:

Susie said...

I love this post! It's almost a grand tour...
looks like you used bronze fixtures for the bathroom? (i'm asking because i have chrome bathroom fixtures of the ones you named. :)

oh, i can't wait to see it in person! it's so exciting that it's lived in