Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week 36: Driveway & entry walk COMPLETE


We finally hired Scapelanders to do our driveway and entry walk... pretty ironic to hire a landscaper to do concrete work... but the price and recommendations were right... :)

I am absolutely AMAZED at the texture of the concrete work... I LOVE it... and I really didn't think I'd EVER hear myself say that... I LOVE OUR CONCRETE... the photos give you a general idea... but I'll have to wait til the lighting is better to capture the texture... it's just lovely... matches our existing old concrete on the house porches BEAUTIFULLY!!!



Angelica said...

What I wouldn't give for a driveway of my own... sigh...

It all looks great Sarita. I may have to pick your brain for some of these contractors' numbers.

Susie said...

It looks so amazing and fresh! I really like the absence of the protruding stones, too. :) You must be so excited to park!